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SCTC Required Orientation, Advisement and Registration (ROAR)

Student Accounts-Business Office: Parking Decal

You have two weeks from the first day of the semester to get a decal.

Register and complete the Parking Permit Application (students must have their vehicle license plate number) at the Student Acounts-Business Office, or by clicking the parking sign (below) and downloading it from the website, or by filling out the form accessible from the last slide in the orientation and bringing the permit to the Student Accounts-Business Office.

Only the first decal is free. Every additional or replacement decal in the future will be $5.00 each.

Students must always park in student parking unless authorized to park in a handicap space. Student parking is any parking space not designated as visitors, employees, guest, and handicap. Please do not park on the grass.

Click this Tow-away Zone sign to go to the parking permit application webpage.