The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.
MLA Format Example to assist in correctly formatting your research paper
How to Write a Good Essay
Additional English Resources
Other Relevant English Libguides
English Libguide: In this libguide you will find tips and information on useful library sources to write a research paper.
Peer Review Basics: What is a peer reviewed article? This libguide explains it all.
Annotated Bibliography: This libguide provides you with information on how to write an annotated bibliography.
Academic Honesty-Avoiding Plagiarism: What is academic honesty and how does it relate to plagiarism? Check out this libguide to find information on how to avoid plagiarism in your research papers.
College Research Skills
Teachers demonstrate research skills for students with this video. A great review before beginning a research project using the internet.