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TigerHow: Set Up Email, Blackboard and Banner Web (Distance Education)

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SCTC Student Email Lookup App: Entering Student ID

On the SCTC Student Email Lookup App, supply the requested information.

Your Student ID Number is your "900 Number." For example, 900999111.

Again, the information you need to input is your Student ID (900) Number, Last Name, and Date of Birth.

NOTE: For Your Birthdate, you must follow this order, otherwise, it will kick you out and you will need to do it again.

1) Month
2) Year
3) Date
4) Click Find Email Address

You will then be shown your student email and the username you will use for Blackboard and Banner Web. See the next screen.

Screenshot of the email lookup app and where to enter your Student ID, last name, and date of birth.