American Trucking Associations
This federation of groups and individuals seeks to promote safety and educate policymakers to advance business goals.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is a non-profit international organization which promotes leadership to policy makers.
Ga Dept of Driver Services
This is a very helpful site which includes CDL Rules, Hazmat Drivers Notice, Road Test Appointments, and even a CDL practice test!
Ga Dept of Public Safety
This official state of Georgia website includes important guidelines for Motor Carrier Compliance Division compliance.
GA Dept of Public Safety - Transportation Safety Rules
This is the link for the GA Department of Public Safety Transportation Rulebook, as well as Hazardous Materials Regulations and Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
GA Motor Trucking Association
GMTA provides full-time representation of Georgia truckers, representing more than 300 for-hire carriers, 250 private carriers, and 250 associate members.