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English 1101 Research Tools

Libguides are webpages created by librarians that collect lots of information on a single topic into one place.  Librarians create these guides, usually at the request of instructors for their classes, or even for a specific project their class may be working on.  

To get started with Libguides, look for the link in the menu on the left side of the library's homepage.

Once you select "Libguides" you will be taken to the libguide homepage which looks like this:

This is what the libguides homepage looks like.  You'll see in the gray box just under the welcome message that you can sort the libguides by "ALL GUIDES" which will sort all libguides alphabetically, "BY GROUP" which sorts them by who they were created for, "BY SUBJECT" which sorts them by subject area, "BY TYPE" which sorts them by what type of guide they are, i.e., what function they serve-- classroom, instructional, etc., and "BY OWNER" which will not be helpful to you, but simply groups the guides based on who created them.  You'll also see a search bar here which you can use to search the guides for specific search terms.

In this example, I've sorted the guides by subject, and chose "English," which shows guides that were created for English classes.

Though all libguides look a little different and contain different info, here's an example of a typical libguide:

Along the top (or left side) of a libguide, you'll find a bar of blue tabs for navigating the guide.  Most guides will have a page for books and ebooks, articles, websites, video content, and research help, but you may see guides with different tabs.  For example, this class has a tab dedicated to poetry.  On this welcome tab, we see general information for this course, featured books, and ways to contact the library.

If you aren't sure if your class has a libguide, contact a librarian or your instructor to find out.  While libguides do not contain reference material themselves, they can direct you to all sorts of material that the library has to offer, and are great jumping off points to begin your research journey.