The purpose of this guide is to provide information and resources that help explain the causes and dangers of arc flash in the industrial environment.
Semester Operating Hours
Griffin Campus Library:
Monday – Thursday: 8am – 5:30pm
Friday: 8am-12pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone: 770-412-4755
Flint River Campus Library Temporary Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8am-12pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone: 706-646-6173
Henry Center Computer Lab:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Phone: 770-914-4423
Libraries Rules and Conduct
Southern Crescent Technical College Libraries seeks to provide quality service to all patrons. The Library follows the Code of Conduct established by the College and additional rules specific to the Library. The Library will enforce these rules. They have been adopted to enable the Library to provide the proper environment for staff and patrons. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to:
Patrons will be requested to leave if unacceptable behavior occurs. Students may be reported to the office of the Dean of Academic Affairs. Suspension of Library privileges may occur if a patron is found to have engaged in unacceptable behavior in the Library. Notice of suspension will be sent to the office of the Dean of Academic Affairs. Appeal of the suspension may be made in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs. Proper authorities will be notified when criminal code violations occur.
Type "Arc "Flash" (including the " ") into the search box above. Once you have a list of results, narrow them down to Trade Publications under Limit by Type. This will weed out all the scholarly research articles and give you a list of articles that are written for people working in the field.