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Mathematics*: Articles



Search for an article in over 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals.  Note: You will need the current GALILEO password if accessing this resource off campus.


Search all of GALILEO in one fell swoop with this search bar!  You can also visit the GALILEO site to browse by subject, type, database, or journals.



Statistics and Data Sets in GALILEO

Some databases in GALILEO specialize in datasets; others link out to external statistics-focused sites.

  • Census Bureau Data: covers topics like education, employment, health, and housing by geographic region.
  • Fact Finder for the Nation: published on an irregular basis as a series of topical brochures to be used individually, in selected interest groupings, or as complete sets. Each brochure described the range of census materials available on a given subject and suggested some of their uses.

    The subjects included minority statistics, the availability of census records about individuals, population, housing and construction, etc.

  • Pew Research Center: A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

  • Stats America: USA States in Profile. Find information on the demographic and workforce data for any of the 50 states.

Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Search for an article in Google Scholar.  Google Scholar provides access to scholarly articles on the Internet.


  • Math: Wolfman Functions Site: The Wolfram Functions Site provides formulas and visualizations of mathematical functions.
  • eBook Central (ProQuest): Plenty of mathematical resources including Math Modeling, algebra and more.
  • Academic Search Complete: This scholarly collection offers full-text coverage of information in many areas of academic study including mathematics.
  • Research Library (ProQuest): provides one-stop access to a wide range of popular academic subjects and includes full-text access for thousands of titles, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
  • Nexis Uni: A resourceful database for students in Math Modeling.