Available as a full-length .pdf or as a quick summary, the Survey of the Performance of American Elections has, since 2008, surveyed American voters in all 50 states about their voting experience. This allows for the easy comparison of voter experiences between states, as well as the tracking of the effects of changing voter laws.
Overview of the U.S. election process from start to finish, and including constitutional requirements for candidates, info about the electoral college, and explanations of primaries and caucuses.
Photo by Sora Shimazaki: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-wearing-a-denim-jacket-with-pin-back-button-5926295/
From share.america.gov, this .pdf explains the importance of our national elections and the details surrounding them, like the requirements to run in an election, how many times one person can hold office, and more.